Cheryl D. Lovell, Ph.D.

January 1, 2022

A personal focus and direction for 2022

Less tasks completed and more compassion shared

Less accomplishments and more connections

Less “get it done” attitude and more take your time

Less make a difference and more be the difference

Less talk and more listening

Less eating and more movement

Less worrying and more praying

Less short breaths and more deep breathing

Less directing and more following

Less working late at night and more sleeping through the night

Less holding hands in private and more hugs and kisses in public

Less threats felt and more confidence shared

Less looking for my weaknesses and more using my strengths

Less power and more empowering

Less flab around the waist and more firm abs

Less concerns and more joys

Tags and Key Words:

Self Reflection

Focus on new leadership goals

Impactful Strategies


Leadership Style